Lorin at the Window

Lorin at the Window
Ready for Church

Just In Case You Wanna Have Some CHURCH Up in Here! Shirley Ceasar and "Hold My Mule".

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Lorin's First 2 Toddler Dress

This is Lorin in her first 2 toddler size dress. It's one of my faves but it also makes me sad that she is growing up so fast! BUT no, I am NOT ready for another one!! If I have my way, unless God intervenes, Lorin will be an only child....a spoiled rotten only child. Seriously, I am not a multi-task kind of gal, Lorin would be all gorgeous in her little outfit while the other child would be in a t-shirt with a snotty nose or something. It's kind of like those "Do One Thing and Do it Well" commercials where you see Randy's Doughnuts and Law Service.....I just need to stick to Lorin and make sure she turns out right. I salute you mom's who can handle more than one. TINA, you amaze me!! I stand in awe that you can do all you do and still DO AN AWESOME JOB at it! My brain hurts just trying to figure out how you do it. Well, church was awesome tonight and I'm exhausted so I am going to bed..and to all you Cornerstone Revivalist out there...."IT'S TIME TO GET IN THE FLOW!".


AnthonyAlex said...


Music Eloquence said...

Lorin is a cutie. They grow so fast.

PS I know you'd do great with more. =P

Tina said...

Oh my gosh! WHERE did you get that outfit?? Sophie is also in a 2T.
And the only reason I can do things w/ the 4 kiddos is b/c I have an AWESOME husband at my side!!!
Lv ya!

Natalie said...

I got it from Grandmothers Joy of Course!!! lol I think we have one
more in a 2T..I'll check and let you know. You are still amazing, Bert or no Bert...you both are awesome. Luv Ya!
